Biodiversity Poetry

Biodiversity so close to home

As the sun shone in the blue sky high above,

I sat in our garden and acknowledged all we have:

Three chaffinches with little red berets, were busy investigating the flower beds,

Red Kites soared high above, playfully riding the warm thermals,

Jackdaws were calling, feeding young, their nest in a chimney top, safe from prey,

Blue tits brave upon the feeder, catch our gaze, chatting amongst the fertile Hawthorne, heavily laden with life sustaining nourishment.

Delicate fern fingers reaching toward heaven, bathing in the suns warmth, growing hearty,

Rosebuds cracking open, a hint of crimson colour,

Young elders, bushy, green,

Buddleia, their purple haze, nectar for our butterflies and  bees,

Lily of the valley, scent sublime, tiny droplets of ivory satin,

Carpet of blue Forget- me- nots, I’ll try…..




The Future Leaking Through

A Bee See,


I thought they had gone long ago!

A casualty from the time before the flowers were not all pollinated by hand,

From the time when

Pesticides, drip

Insecticides, drip, drip

Herbicides and Biocides, drip, drip, drip

Were not banned,

The old people say, they buzzed, In ages past,

What a waste,

It should have been as easy as A. B. C.


By Tog Deri  23rd May 2013 FOE….



Save the Butterflies

Ivory butterflies with sunset tipped wings,

To see you flying free, makes my heart sing,

Cabbage whites where did you go?

What have we done to make your numbers so low?

The noble red admiral with colours so bright,

Why are we not more aware of your plight?

When I was a child, in a field I’d lay,

And watch hundreds of species going about their day,

Now my vision is clouded and we’ve shrouded the sun,

Because pesticides and pollution are taking you all, one by one,

It is our duty to save you from depletion,

So campaigning to protect you, must now be our mission.





The Humble Bumble

Humble Bumble, Busy, Buzzy Bee,

Enhancing life and creating biodiversity,

Pollinating flowers, working long hours,

A co-operation, like a mini factory nation.

How much We owe you fuzzy little creatures,   (We Collective)

With your black and yellow stripes and your delicate features,

Living in a dimension so different from ours,

Like little tiny faeries with magical powers.

Lives so short, yet powerful and creative,

Now it is our turn, to help you thrive and live,

Without your help, biodiversity will die,

And you’ll Bee a distant memory way up in the sky…  (You Bee)



